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The leaf is a very effective laxative and purgative and is a particularly useful remedy for the occasional bout of constipation and is useful for evacuation relief in cases of fissures, haemorrhoids, after rectoanal operations, and in preparation of diagnostic intervention in the gastrointestinal tract. It irritates the lining of the large intestine, causing the muscles to contract strongly resulting in bowel movement (usually in 6 to 12 hours) and also stops fluid being absorbed from the large bowel helping to keep the stool soft. They are sure and safe even for children (over 12 years of age) and weak and elderly persons. Also useful in rheumatism, sciatica, gout and lumbago.
Presentation: 60 capsules
Discount: 20%
Price: ₹165.00
Price: ₹190.00
Price: ₹305.00